Emotional Intelligence and
This intensive course, drawing on concepts from the work of Goleman and others, will develop the essential Emotional Intelligence competences of participants. From this course, participants will have advanced their self-awareness and self-management (essential before they can manage others), motivation, empathy and ability to build working relationships, trust and rapport with others.
Resilience is about how easily and quickly an individual recovers from a difficult situation. Being resilient is an essential workplace competence for anyone who needs to work under difficult, ambiguous, complex, demanding or uncertain situations.
This course will also develop the competences (knowledge, skills and mindset) of participants for higher levels of resilience.
The objectives of the course are:
1. To advance understanding of all components of Emotional Intelligence (EI) and to take the Emotional Quotient (EQ) test and act upon the results in order to develop or better utilise Emotional Intelligence in the workplace.
2. To improve self-management and develop self-awareness including the capacity and capability to manage stress, grow resilience and reframe emotions including during an amygdala hijack.
3. To improve understanding of motivation, empathy and social skills and the ability to make use of these in the workplace.
4. To become more resilient and able to deal with and recover from difficult situations and set-backs.
5. To form action plans for implementation of the training in the workplace.
2 days
Who Should Attend:
The course is aimed at anyone who needs to make use of Emotional Intelligence for the purposes of building working relationships, managing themselves and others, or for leadership.